Sport Fishing in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

In 1984, the Inuvialuit of Canada’s western Arctic signed a land claim agreement with the government of Canada – the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA).

The IFA applies to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) and gives the Inuvialuit ownership of specific blocks of private land, known as 7(1)(a) and 7(1)(b) lands (see maps).

The Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FJMC) was established to assist the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Inuvialuit to administer the rights and obligations relating to fisheries under the IFA.

This website will guide you through the special system that the FJMC has put in place to manage sport fishing on private lands as well as other lands within the ISR.


1. Register

Register an account on this website.

2. Plan

Add your plans for sport fishing in the region.

3. Fish

Validate your plans with the local office and go fishing.

4. Report

Log in to report details about your catch(es).

Thousands of Lakes and Rivers

As is the case with fish stocks throughout the world, some fisheries within the ISR may have been over-exploited and need special attention. For this reason, there may be rivers or lakes where the Hunters and Trappers Committees (HTCs) and the FJMC wish to restrict sport fishing. To help avoid these areas, and to help us track fishing activities in the ISR, sport fishers are strongly encouraged to register here on the ISR Sport Fishing Registry, even if they do not plan to fish on Inuvialuit Private Lands.

Fish Species in the ISR

The fish stocks of the ISR are an important subsistence food for the Inuvialuit, and seasonal fishing activities are an important part of Inuvialuit culture. There are many fish species in the ISR covered under the Northwest Territories Sport Fishing Regulations: